Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association

(The TQCC of Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Triglyceride Glucose (TyG) Index: A surrogate biomarker of insulin resistance42
Effects of virtual reality exercises and routine physical therapy on pain intensity and functional disability in patients with chronic low back pain12
Effects of task oriented rehabilitation of upper extremity after stroke: a systematic review8
An overview of self-medication: a major cause of antibiotic resistance and a threat to global public health8
Maternal depression and its correlates – a longitudinal study8
Effects of dry needling in lower extremity myofascial trigger points: systematic review8
Relationship between psychological distress, quality of life and resilience among medical and non-medical students7
Effects of delta-tocotrienol supplementation on glycaemic control in individuals with prediabetes — a randomized controlled study7
Effects of nomophobia on anxiety, stress and depression among Saudi medical students in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia6
Comparison of mulligan technique versus muscle energy technique in patients with adhesive capsulitis6
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus: A brief review of virulence and resistance5
Comparison of OSCE Scores of Surgical Clinical Education after Face-to-face vs. Blended Learning Methods among undergraduate medical students5
Is Omicron a Tsunami? What should be the strategy to prevent the loss?5
The composition and stability of the vaginal microbiome of healthy women5
Functional Outcomes and Complication Analysis of Plate Osteosynthesis versus Hemiarthroplasty in Three-part and Four-part Proximal Humerus Fractures5
Role Wii Fit exer-games in improving balance confidence and quality of life in elderly population5
Digital technologies in management of chronic pain- a systematic review5
Prevention programs and prenatal diagnosis for beta thalassemia in Pakistan: a narrative review5
Comparing the effects of muscle energy technique and mulligan mobilization with movements on pain, range of motion, and disability in adhesive capsulitis5
Choriocarcinoma syndrome: a rare presentation of testicular germ cell tumour5
impact of diabetes mellitus on clinico-laboratory characteristics and in-hospital clinical outcomes among patients with myocardial4
The emerging role of virtual reality training in rehabilitation4
Molecular detection of blaOXA-23gene and blaOXA-51 gene in carbapenem resistant strains of Acinetobacterbaumannii in patients with ventilator associated pneumonia at tertiary care hospital4
Stress and coping strategies in parents of children with special needs (SN)4
A case of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children presenting as systemic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis4
Very early onset inflammatory bowel disease (VEO-IBD); spectrum of clinical presentation, diagnostic tools and outcome in children4
Novel therapeutic techniques for post stroke aphasia: a narrative review4
Comparative effectiveness of routine physical therapy with and without instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization in patients with neck pain due to upper crossed syndrome4
Fear of COVID-19 and stress in university students: mediating role of cyberchondria and moderating role of creative coping and social supports4
Effects of aerobic exercise and progressive muscle relaxation on migraine4
Safety of balanced propofol and midazolam in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for sedation in cirrhotic patients4
The molecular genetics of UV-Sensitive syndrome; a rare dermal anomaly4
Prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes in district Swat Pakistan3
Association of vitamin D levels with preeclampsia3
Ocular complications associated with diabetes and the risk of sustainable blindness; a real world analysis3
Eating behaviors as predictors of satisfaction with food related life3
Effect of position on gross motor function and spasticity in spastic cerebral palsy children3
The rising menace of antifungal resistance in dermatophytes among the patients of tinea capitis3
Artificial intelligence in dentistry, orthodontics and Orthognathic surgery: A literature review3
Progressive resistance training improving gait performance and mobility in acute and chronic stroke patients3
Criss cross heart; a challenging diagnosis, case series3
Awareness of diabetic retinopathy among diabetic patients3
A comprehensive review on gout: the epidemiological trends, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment3
Modulatory effect of single nucleotide polymorphism in Xmn1, BCL11A and HBS1L-MYB loci on fetal hemoglobin levels in ?-thalassemia major and Intermedia patients3
Treatment of periodontal disease in pregnancy for the prevention of adverse pregnancy outcomes: a systematic review of systematic reviews3
PCR to CRISPR: Role of Nucleic Acid Tests (NAT) in detection of COVID-193
Comparison of effectiveness of muscle energy technique with Mulligan mobilization in patients with non-specific neck pain3
Effects of Wii Fit exer-gaming on balance and gait in elderly population; a randomized control trial3
Almond protects the liver in coronary artery disease – a randomized controlled clinical trial3
Methaemoglobinaemia in pregnancy with chronic kidney disease an uncommon case: a case report3
Neuroendocrine tumour of the ampulla of Vater: a rare neoplasm at an atypical site3
Comparison of subtalar mobilization with conventional physiotherapy treatment for the management of planter fasciitis3
Association study of NAT2 gene polymorphism and risk of oral cancer in Southern Punjab, Pakistan3
A study of association between presence or absence of GSTT1 and GSTM1 and/or single nucleotide polymorphism in FABP2 and GSTP1 with incidence of diabetes type 2: a case-control study3
Alexithymia and anxiety symptoms in Pakistani adolescents: a study of compounded directions3
Bedside index (BISAP) v/s Ranson scores in predicting mortality and severity in patients with acute pancreatitis.3
Medical benefits of Camel’s Milk: a comprehensive review3
Efficacy of intra-articular autologous platelet rich plasma injection in primary knee osteoarthritis; a quasi-experimental study3
An Analysis of breakthrough seizures and related factors in pediatric epilepsy patients3
Impact of dental implant diameter on the efficiency of fatigue - a systematic review analysis3
Burden of caregivers of dementia patients and affecting factors in Turkey: A Systematic Review3
Effectiveness of preoperative stretchings on postoperative shoulder function in patients undergoing mastectomy3
Satisfaction of lower limb amputees with their prostheses and with the clinical services- a cross-sectional survey3
Prevalence of malnutrition in children under five years’ age in District Tharparkar Sindh, Pakistan3
Prevalence and factors related to fast food consumption among Mutah University Students, Jordan3
Suprachoroidal injection of triamcinolone acetonide for management of resistant diabetic macular edema (SCTA): original article3
The relationship between nurses’ perceived organizational, supervisor and co-worker support, psychological well-being and job performance3
Suicidal tendencies and psychiatric symptoms as consequence of anabolic androgenic steroid usage among athletes in District Rawalpindi3
Comparison of MRCP and ERCP findings: a retrospective secondary data analysis3
Influence of maternal attitudes and parenting style on children`s dental caries experience3
Challenges for implementing WFME standards for accreditation in health professions education in low and middle-income countries: a scoping review3
Vestibular neuronitis associated with an adult male COVID-19 infection: A case report2
The positive impact of Covid19 on Tuberculosis endemic areas2
Comparison of harmonic scalpel versus Milligan Morgan technique in haemorrhoidectomy patients2
Stem cells in Urology2
Use of simulation based technology in pre-clinical years improves confidence and satisfaction among medical students2
Role of Lactobacillus plantarum 299v versus Placebo in symptomatic improvement of irritable bowel syndrome patients2
Innovative ways of student engagement for active learning in science courses of nursing in the four year baccalaureate program2
Emotional Intelligence and Academic Performance of Students2
Navigating through our history in research: An altmetric analysis for publications by the full-time operative dentistry faculty at the Aga Khan University Hospital in the past decade2
Frequencies and results of anti-nuclear, anti-dsDNA and anti-ENA in a tertiary-care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan2
Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice of Pakistani population about the risk factors, causes, complications and management of diabetes mellitus2
A bibliometric analysis of the studies on dental implant failure2
Aquaporins; Systemic, Functional and Therapeutic Correlations in Health and Disease2
Is haemodialysis the most feasible dialysis modality for Pakistan?2
Hydroxyapatite, a potent agent to reduce dentin hypersensitivity; systematic review2
The effectiveness of breastfeeding self-efficacy intervention on implementation of breastfeeding in low-birth-weight infants: a systematic review2
Bilateral Congenital Pseudarthrosis of the Tibia with Neurofibromatosis Type 1: Case Report and Literature Review2
Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 Receptor Agonists (GLP1RA) and Sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors (SGLT2i): Making a pragmatic choice in diabetes management2
Assessment of complications of open treatment of mandibular condylar fractures2
Albendazole and mebendazole in the treatment of ancylostomiasis in school children between the ages of 6-15 in Swat, Pakistan2
Prevalence of cyberchondria among university students: an emerging challenge of the 21st century2
Effect of Pilates based exercises on symptomatic knee osteoarthritis-A Randomized Controlled Trial2
Prevalence of Nutritional Anaemia with Association of (BMI) Body Mass Index among Karachi University students, Pakistan2
Caudal Regression Syndrome— a rare congenital disorder: a case report2
Psychological effects of COVID- 19 lockdown among Aseer residents, Saudi Arabia2
The combined effects of virtual reality with motor imagery techniques in patients with Parkinson’s disease2
The association between diastolic blood pressure and massive transfusion in severe trauma: a retrospective single-center study2
Perceptions regarding team-based learning among undergraduate physical therapy students2
Knowledge, attitudes, practices and perceived barriers of emergency health care providers regarding sepsis and septic shock in a tertiary care centre: a cross-sectional study2
Association of dowry practices with perceived marital life and intimate partner violence2
Herbal extracts: the future treatment option for drug-resistant epilepsy2
Effect of early physical therapy interventions on post-operative ileus following abdominal hysterectomy2
Frequency of early initiation of breastfeeding among women in Thatta, Sindh and factors associated with it: A secondary data analysis2
Understanding health service quality in emergency department through the length of stay and its determinants2
Comparison of dual task specific training and conventional physical therapy in ambulation of hemiplegic stroke patients: A randomized controlled trial2
Perceived stress score among doctors serving at various government and private hospitals in Faisalabad2
Awareness, screening, Practices and attitudes of cervical cancer among doctors and nursing staff working at a tertiary care center2
A study to observe the effects of physiotherapy with and without manual therapy in the management postural neck pain: a randomized control trial2
Medical imaging in problem-based learning and impact on the students: cross-sectional study2
Knowledge and perception of medical students towards the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare2
Factors associated with the compliance of standard precaution; review article2
Comparison of functional outcome after open and closed reduction of mandibular subcondylar fracture2
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in diabetics: diagnosis and management- a narrative review2
Comparative study evaluating the efficacy of topical azithromycin versus oral doxycycline in the treatment of meibomian gland dysfunction2
Generational gaps in medical education: an exploratory qualitative study2
Glomangiopericytoma: a rare tumour of sinonasal cavity2
Stronger inhibitory effects of ticagrelor plus aspirin compared with clopidogrel plus aspirin on arachidonic acid induced platelet aggregation in patients with acute coronary syndrome with PCI2
The role of exosomes derived miRNA in cancer2
Outcomes of COVID-19 contact tracing in hospital healthcare workers: a retrospective cohort study2
Vitamin D deficiency: a risk factor for myopia in children: a cross sectional study in a tertiary care centre2
Fodder cutter (Tokka) injuries; a preventable morbidity2
Central nervous system involvement in Multiple Myeloma—Diagnosis, treatment and outcome: A case report2
Self-consciousness in female university students: the predictive role of social anxiety2
The role of Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Speech and Language Therapy: A mini review2
Perceptions of faculty on promotion policy in medical and dental colleges associated with Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University Islamabad, Pakistan2
Teaching strategies for rehabilitation curriculum: coping with the Covid-19 situation2
Correlation between Serum Malondialdehyde levels and prevalence of cardiovascular disease in Haemodialysis treated patients2
Prediabetes: A Pragmatic approach to counselling and coaching2
Disparities in access to quality surgical care for women in resource-constrained settings: Bottlenecks and the way forward2
Risk factors for mortality among admitted children with complications of measles in Pakistan – an observational2
Role of tele-rehabilitation in patients following total hip replacement: systematic review of clinical trials2
Millennium development goals (MDGs-2000-2015) to sustainable development goals (SDGs-2030): a chronological landscape of public sector health care segment of Pakistan2
Trends in traditional and complementary medicine practices in Turkey: Results of two consecutive surveys 2012-20182
The effects of a static exercise program verses Swiss ball training for core muscles of the lower back and pelvic region in patients with low back pain after child delivery. a single blind randomized 2
Endoleaks: current concepts and treatments2
Effects of cervical stabilisation exercises on respiratory strength in chronic neck pain patients with forward head posture2
Incidence of endophthalmitis following intravitreal anti VEGF injections at a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan2
Moderating role of academic motivation and entitlement between motives of students and academic achievement among university students2
Gene-gene and gene-environment interaction: an important predictor of oral cancer among smokeless tobacco users in Karachi2
Effects of Half-Somersault and Brandt-Daroff exercise on dizziness, fear of fall and quality of life in patients with posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: a randomised control trial2
Multi-disciplinary rehabilitation for management of diabetes mellitus related neurological and musculoskeletal complications2
Intravenous drug abusers presenting with pseudoaneurysm and other surgical complications in Pakistan2
Does education variability change testicular cancer awareness and testicular self examination?2
Determinants of Hypertension in Outpatients in East Java, Indonesia2
A Quasi Experimental Study on Hand Hygiene Practices among Secondary School Children in Khyber PakhtunKhwa2
VATS thoracoscopic decortication for empyema thoracic. A retrospective experience and analysis of 162 cases2
Task-oriented training and exer-gaming for improving mobility after stroke: a randomized trial2
Molecular events in the clinicopathological diagnosis of alveolar osteitis2
Exer-Gaming reduces fall risk and improves mobility after stroke2
Demographic variation and risk factors regarding breast cancer among female in Southern Punjab, Pakistan2
COVID-19 amongst cancer patients: an experience from Oman2
Effect of 0.01% Atropine on diopter and optic axis in adolescents and children with myopia2
Awareness about sexually transmitted diseases in women related to their age, education and income2
Salivary Irisin and periodontal clinical parameters in patients of chronic periodontitis and healthy individuals: A novel salivary myokine for periodontal disease2
Perceived social support and psychological well-being among patients with epilepsy2
The Role of K-Ras and P53 in Biliary Tract Carcinoma2
Routes and barriers associated with protein and peptide drug delivery system2
COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among health service providers: a single centre experience from Karachi, Pakistan2
Knowledge and practice of ethics among postgraduates in a public sector tertiary care hospital2
Relationship of BMI with Junk Food, sleep pattern, exam performance and awareness about its ill health effects in healthy teenagers2
Meta-analysis of dose selection for budesonide in the treatment of Chinese patients with AECOPD2
Correlation between antimicrobial resistance and virulence genes in Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from Egypt2
Breast cancer knowledge and perception among health care professionals and senior medical students at Bolan Medical Complex Hospital Quetta, Pakistan2
Functional outcomes of modified Bristow procedure in recurrent shoulder dislocation2
Association of sleep-wake pattern with cognitive performance and academic achievement in young adults2
Rational drug use in elderly patients in a primary care center2
Prevalence of allergic fungal sinusitis among patients with nasal polyposis2
Antifungal efficacy of pure boron on yeast and mold isolates causing superficial mycosis2
Nursing instructors’ clinical education competencies: an integrated review2
Comparison of effects of manual physical therapy and exercise therapy for patients with Temporomandibular disorders2
Infiltration and extravasation of intravenous infusions in children-value of high-quality care on outcome2
First comprehensive report on distribution of histologically confirmed oral and maxillofacial pathologies; a nine year retrospective study2
Rise of eating disorders and obesity in young adults during the COVID-19 pandemic2
Correlation of insulin resistance with neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio and serum ferritin in male patients of metabolic syndrome2
Synchronous primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and papillary thyroid carcinoma: a case report highlighting “Lymphoma first approach”2
Frequency & association of maxillary ectopic canine with incisor root resorption & dental agenesis2
A comparative follow up study of transabdominal preperitoneal mesh repair in inguinal hernias with or without mesh fixation2
Clinical analysis of 125I seed implantation combined with Apatinib in the treatment of locally advanced lung cancer: a case series2
Management of muscle trigger points causing subacromial pain using dry needling technique — a case report2
Prevention of dry socket in mandibular 3rd molars by means of single preoperative oral dose of metronidazole and amoxicillin compared to conventional therapy2
Analysis of factors that affect the utilization of antenatal care in developing countries: a systematic review2
Predicting 90-day mortality at admission and 7 days post-admission among patients with hepatitis B virus-related acute-on-chronic liver failure2
Exploring health seeking behaviour among incidentally diagnosed HIV cases in Rawalpindi, Pakistan: A qualitative perspective2
Trends in Prescribing Patterns and Drug Related Problems of Kidney Disease Patients1
Role of simulation in open varicose veins surgery: A systematic review1
Outcomes of preterm neonates with patent ductus arteriosus: a retrospective review from a tertiary care hospital1
The effectiveness of routine physiotherapy with and without neuromobilization in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome1
Treatment-related mortality in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in a low-middle income country1
Distance travelled for brain tumour surgery: A Low- and Middle-income Country Perspective1
VKORC1 gene polymorphism (-1639G>A) in warfarin therapy patients of Pakistani population1
Is Peer assisted learning better? A modern question to answer: a comparative study1
Family cohesion and depression in adolescents: a mediating role of self-confidence1
Clinical course, long-term outcomes, and Chemotherapy toxicity profile in B-cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in children: single institution experience of Pakistan1
Comparison of classic constraint-induced movement therapy and its modified form on upper extremity motor functions and psychosocial impact in hemiplegic cerebral pals1
Risk factors of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in Pakistani population: a matched case-control study1
Covid-19 association with anterior uveitis (post-covid acute anterior uveitis)1
Threshold concepts encountered by second year medical students in a Basic Health Science module; a qualitative study1
Wheat pill poisoning: complications and management1
Hypertriglyceridemia induced pancreatitis management – a case report1
The caring competencies of nursing students: Comparing the four and two-year Bachelor of Nursing Programme1
Outcome of purse-string versus linear skin closure after ileostomy stoma reversal in terms of stoma sites infection and cosmesis1
Hospital Based Prevalence of Smoking Among Surgical Patients in Tertiary Care Hospitals of Karachi Pakistan1
Lack of association of HFE gene polymorphism with high body iron status in Pakistani patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus1
Perioperative hypertensive response in a patient with implanted deep brain stimulation device: a case report1
Frequency and risk factors of internet addiction in medical students: a cross-sectional study1
The correlation between social media use, peer influence, and sexual behaviour among adolescents1
Effects of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate supplementation in addition to resistance exercise training and manual therapy in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled trial1
Transfusion associated circulatory overload (TACO): Significance of appropriate pre-transfusion risk assessment to prevent fatal health outcomes1
Tumour lysis syndrome as a rare complication of chemotherapy in paediatric Wilms’ Tumour: a case report1
A comparison of SRK/T formula with Hill RBF 2 and Barrett Universal II in the calculation of intraocular lens power1
Prioritizing Pituitary Adenoma Care apart from Pakistan: Analysis from an Epidemiological Study1
Microbiology of surgical site infection in closed upper limb fractures: data from a prospective trauma registry1
Child physical abuse: awareness and practices of medical and dental doctors in Pakistan1
Dark triad, risk propensity and interpersonal relationship satisfaction in clients with substance use disorder1
Stage IVa ovarian cancer one year following the third IVF procedure1
Molecular characterization of Hepatitis B virus basal core promoter and precore region of isolates from chronic Hepatitis B patients1
Accuracy of lung ultrasound and chest X-rays in diagnosing acute pulmonary oedema in patients presenting with acute dyspnoea in emergency department1
Long noncoding RNA GAS5 and miR-137 and two of their genetic polymorphisms contribute to acute ischemic stroke risk in an Egyptian population1
Post-traumatic stress disorder, cognitive function and adjustment problems in women burn survivors: a multicenter study1
Frequency of uropathogens showing resistance to Nitrofurantoin1
Increasing self-care of patients with type-2 diabetes through implementation of nursing agency based on the health promotion model1
Negative coping styles among individuals with cannabis use disorder and non-users1
Colostrum knowledge among Saudi mothers in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia1
The kaleidoscope of the glass ceiling: experiences of Pakistani female doctors – a qualitative narrative inquiry1
Comparison of commercially available preformed archwires with average natural arch forms1
Idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis: an unusual case of anaemia with pulmonary involvement1
Drive for Muscularity and Tendencies of Muscle Dysmorphia among Pakistani Bodybuilders: A Prevalence Study1
Complicated multi-drug resistant typhoid fever with cerebral oedema, diffuse encephalitis, and fungal infection of the oral cavity—a case report1
Analysis of factors related to behaviours to prevent sexual assault of teenage girls1
Relationship of cardiorespiratory fitness with screen time and physical activity in adolescents1
How to reset metabolic setpoint in obesity management1
Effect of ablution on methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) nasal colonization in healthcare workers1
Comparison of exergaming and vestibular training on gaze stability, balance, and gait performance of older adults: a single blind randomized control trail1
Development of Banff Classification from 1991 to 2019 for identifying renal allograft rejection: a narrative review for nephrologists1
Factors associated with low bone mineral density in postmenopausal women with rheumatoid arthritis1
Beyond GnRH, LH and FSH: the role of kisspeptin on hypothalalmic-pituitary gonadal (HPG) axis pathology and diagnostic consideration1
Breast conservation surgery (BCS) for breast cancer in a resource limited country- Are we upto the challenge!1
Predictors of sleep paralysis and relationship of sleep paralysis with sleep quality in university students of Islamabad1
Surgical and prosthodontics management of a perforating giant radicular cyst in anterior maxilla: a case report1
Nutritional vitamin D is efficacious for reducing intact Parathyroid hormone in chronic kidney disease, a prospective interventional study1
Relationship between apoA-I, chemerin, Procalcitonin and severity of hyperlipidaemia-induced acute pancreatitis1
Improvement in knowledge of healthcare professionals attending Neonatal Life Support(NeoLiS) training workshop1
Relationship between anxiety and spiritual well-being of the elderly with hypertension during the COVID-19 pandemic1
Management of professionalism matters by foreign returned doctors in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province.1
Translation and validation study of Quality of Life Questionnaire for Physiological Pregnancy at Sandeman Provincial Hospital, Quetta, Pakistan1
Oxidative stress is the common causal link between renal stones and diabetes mellitus in adult people1
Mask-associated dry-eye in COVID-19 pandemic: a case report and review of the literature1
Lipokathexis: A fat paradox1
Community-wide mask-wearing: a realistic approach amidst the second wave of Covid-19 in Pakistan1