Behaviour Research and Therapy

(The TQCC of Behaviour Research and Therapy is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Psychological, addictive, and health behavior implications of the COVID-19 pandemic98
Fear in the context of pain: Lessons learned from 100 years of fear conditioning research87
Psychopathological networks: Theory, methods and practice79
Considerations of diversity, equity, and inclusion in mental health apps: A scoping review of evaluation frameworks64
Evolving an idionomic approach to processes of change: Towards a unified personalized science of human improvement57
Optimizing exposure therapy with an inhibitory retrieval approach and the OptEx Nexus54
The concept and definition of low intensity cognitive behaviour therapy47
A new science of mental disorders: Using personalised, transdiagnostic, dynamical systems to understand, model, diagnose and treat psychopathology45
Which behavioural and exercise interventions targeting fatigue show the most promise in multiple sclerosis? A systematic review with narrative synthesis and meta-analysis42
Frozen in (e)motion: How reactive motor inhibition is influenced by the emotional content of stimuli in healthy and psychiatric populations42
Task-sharing of psychological treatment for antenatal depression in Khayelitsha, South Africa: Effects on antenatal and postnatal outcomes in an individual randomised controlled trial41
Development of a transdiagnostic, low-intensity, psychological intervention for common adolescent mental health problems in Indian secondary schools39
The search for mechanisms of cognitive behavioral therapy for alcohol or other drug use disorders: A systematic review38
Implementation and effectiveness of adolescent life skills programs in low- and middle-income countries: A critical review and meta-analysis34
Digital biomarkers of anxiety disorder symptom changes: Personalized deep learning models using smartphone sensors accurately predict anxiety symptoms from ecological momentary assessments34
Blended care in the treatment of subthreshold symptoms of depression and psychosis in emerging adults: A randomised controlled trial of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Daily-Life (ACT-DL)31
Aberrant attentional bias to sad faces in depression and the role of stressful life events: Evidence from an eye-tracking paradigm31
An online, single-session intervention for adolescent self-injurious thoughts and behaviors: Results from a randomized trial31
Changing the future: An initial test of Future Specificity Training (FeST)30
Mind-body treatments of irritable bowel syndrome symptoms: An updated meta-analysis30
Pilot randomized trial of self-guided virtual reality exposure therapy for social anxiety disorder28
The impact of COVID-19 on child and adolescent mental health and treatment considerations27
Does inhibitory control training reduce weight and caloric intake in adults with overweight and obesity? A pre-registered, randomized controlled event-related potential (ERP) study27
Remote mental health care interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic: An umbrella review27
Use of role plays to assess therapist competency and its association with client outcomes in psychological interventions: A scoping review and competency research agenda27
What is attention bias variability? Examining the potential roles of attention control and response time variability in its relationship with anxiety26
Efficacy of a mindfulness-based programme with and without virtual reality support to reduce stress in university students: A randomized controlled trial25
Guided internet-based transdiagnostic individually tailored Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for symptoms of depression and/or anxiety in college students: A randomized controlled trial24
A review on how stress modulates fear conditioning: Let's not forget the role of sex and sex hormones24
Memories of 100 years of human fear conditioning research and expectations for its future24
No robust differences in fear conditioning between patients with fear-related disorders and healthy controls24
Variable-length Cognitive Processing Therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder in active duty military: Outcomes and predictors23
Predicting clinical outcomes via human fear conditioning: A narrative review23
Real-world evidence from users of a behavioral digital therapeutic for chronic insomnia23
Design process and protocol description for a multi-problem mental health intervention within a stepped care approach for adolescents in India22
Technology supported mindfulness for obsessive compulsive disorder: Self-reported mindfulness and EEG correlates of mind wandering21
Double trouble: Do symptom severity and duration interact to predicting treatment outcomes in adolescent depression?21
Intrusive memories as conditioned responses to trauma cues: An empirically supported concept?21
Group and longitudinal intra-individual networks of eating disorder symptoms in adolescents and young adults at-risk for an eating disorder21
Identifying the presence and timing of discrete mood states prior to therapy20
Understanding mechanisms of change: An unpacking study of the evidence-based common-elements treatment approach (CETA) in low and middle income countries20
Optimizing the context of support of web-based self-help in individuals with mild to moderate depressive symptoms: A randomized full factorial trial20
The role of context in persistent avoidance and the predictive value of relief20
Dampening of positive affect and depression: A meta-analysis of cross-sectional and longitudinal relationships20
Effectiveness of a transdiagnostic group intervention to enhance emotion regulation in young Afghan refugees: A pilot randomized controlled study20
Worry impairs the problem-solving process: Results from an experimental study20
Real-time monitoring of the associations between self-critical and self-punishment cognitions and nonsuicidal self-injury19
Aerobic exercise and consolidation of fear extinction learning among women with posttraumatic stress disorder19
Mental imagery-based episodic simulation amplifies motivation and behavioural engagement in planned reward activities19
Examining the effectiveness of an online program to cultivate mindfulness and self-compassion skills (Mind-OP): Randomized controlled trial on Amazon's Mechanical Turk19
Cognitive predictors of adolescent social anxiety19
Executive control under stress: Relation to reappraisal ability and depressive symptoms19
Outcomes and mechanisms of change in cognitive-behavioral interventions for weight loss: A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials18
Two probes and better than one: Development of a psychometrically reliable variant of the attentional probe task18
Does adjunctive digital CBT for insomnia improve clinical outcomes in an improving access to psychological therapies service?18
Costly avoidance triggered by categorical fear generalization18
Homework adherence predicts therapeutic improvement from behavior therapy in Tourette's disorder18
Peer supervision for assuring the quality of non-specialist provider delivered psychological intervention: Lessons from a trial for perinatal depression in Goa, India18
When nothing matters: Assessing markers of expectancy violation during omissions of threat18
Cost-effectiveness of feedback-informed psychological treatment: Evidence from the IAPT-FIT trial18
Acquisition, extinction, and return of fear in veterans in intensive outpatient prolonged exposure therapy: A fear-potentiated startle study18
Not just “big” data: Importance of sample size, measurement error, and uninformative predictors for developing prognostic models for digital interventions18
Building resilience to body image triggers using brief cognitive training on a mobile application: A randomized controlled trial18
Approach bias retraining through virtual reality in smokers willing to quit smoking: A randomized-controlled study17
Technology-supported Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for chronic health conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis17
Social cognition theories and behavior change in COVID-19: A conceptual review17
Neurocognitive processes in d-cycloserine augmented single-session exposure therapy for anxiety: A randomized placebo-controlled trial17
The efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy for chronic pain: A three-level meta-analysis and a trial sequential analysis of randomized controlled trials17
Self-critical perfectionism and lower mindfulness and self-compassion predict anxious and depressive symptoms over two years17
Development of a brief online intervention to address aggression in the context of emotion-related impulsivity: Evidence from a wait-list controlled trial16
Induction of conditioned avoidance via mental imagery16
The effect of depression and anxiety symptom severity on clinical outcomes and app use in digital mental health treatments: Meta-regression of three trials16
Avoidance of social threat: Evidence from eye movements during a public speaking challenge using 360°- video16
Computerized Memory Specificity Training (c-MeST) for major depression: A randomised controlled trial16
Integrating a functional view on suicide risk into idiographic statistical models16
Intolerance of uncertainty, and not social anxiety, is associated with compromised extinction of social threat16
Measures of adherence as predictors of early and total weight loss with intensive behavioral therapy for obesity combined with liraglutide 3.0 mg16
Threat rapidly disrupts reward reversal learning15
Fostering socio-emotional competencies in children on the autism spectrum using a parent-assisted serious game: A multicenter randomized controlled trial15
A Revised Theory of Sudden Gains in Psychological Treatments15
An experimental investigation of the effects of self-criticism and self-compassion on implicit associations with non-suicidal self-injury15
Safety behaviours in social anxiety: An examination across adolescence15
Attention and interpretation cognitive bias change: A systematic review and meta-analysis of bias modification paradigms15
Predicting positive outcomes and successful completion in an online parenting program for parents of children with disruptive behavior: An integrated data analysis15
Individual differences in attentional control explain the differential expression of threat-related attentional bias among those with posttraumatic stress symptomatology and predict symptom maintenanc15
A feasibility randomised controlled trial of a brief early intervention for adolescent depression that targets emotional mental images and memory specificity (IMAGINE)15
Do daily mood fluctuations activate ruminative thoughts as a mental habit? Results from an ecological momentary assessment study15
Contingency management for individuals with chronic health conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials15
Multiverse analyses in fear conditioning research15
Acceptance-enhanced behavior therapy for trichotillomania in adults: A randomized clinical trial14
Similarities and differences between young children with selective mutism and social anxiety disorder14
Unguided low intensity cognitive behaviour therapy for anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic: A randomised trial14
Single-session interventions for adolescent anxiety and depression symptoms in Kenya: A cluster-randomized controlled trial14
Incentive-based, instructed, and social observational extinction of avoidance: Fear-opposite actions and their influence on fear extinction14
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of hydrocortisone augmentation of Prolonged Exposure for PTSD in U.S. combat veterans14
Changes in neural reward processing following Amplification of Positivity treatment for depression and anxiety: Preliminary findings from a randomized waitlist controlled trial14
First, do no harm: An intensive experience sampling study of adverse effects to mindfulness training14
A randomized controlled trial of an emotion socialization parenting program and its impact on parenting, children's behavior and parent and child stress cortisol: Tuning in to Toddlers14
Network Intervention Analyses of cognitive therapy and behavior therapy for insomnia: Symptom specific effects and process measures14
Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy for depression, social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder: Effectiveness and predictors of response in a teaching clinic14
Quantifying and addressing the impact of measurement error in network models14
Stress-related psychopathology during the COVID-19 pandemic14
Positive memory training for the treatment of depression in schizophrenia: A randomised controlled trial13
Transdiagnostic trajectories of irritability and oppositional, depression and anxiety problems from preschool to early adolescence13
Improving mental health in low-resource settings: A feasibility randomized controlled trial of a transdiagnostic psychological intervention among Burundian refugee adolescents and their caregivers13
Maximizing remission from cognitive-behavioral therapy in medicated adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder13
Divergent experiences of U.S. veterans who did and did not complete trauma-focused therapies for PTSD: A national qualitative study of treatment dropout13
Cognitive control over emotional information in current and remitted depression13
The effects of age and trait anxiety on avoidance learning and its generalization13
Temperament and psychopathology in early childhood predict body dissatisfaction and eating disorder symptoms in adolescence13
Effectiveness of two video-based multicomponent treatments for fibromyalgia: The added value of cognitive restructuring and mindfulness in a three-arm randomised controlled trial13
Multi-session online interpretation bias training for anxiety in a community sample12
Risk for social anxiety in early adolescence: Longitudinal impact of pubertal development, appearance comparisons, and peer connections.12
Non-invasive vagal nerve stimulation enhances cognitive emotion regulation12
Parenting Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: An RCT of an online course with families of children with CP12
Intrusive memories: A mechanistic signature for emotional memory persistence12
Cognitive behavior therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder in routine clinical care: A systematic review and meta-analysis12
The effect of differential disgust conditioning and subsequent extinction versus counterconditioning procedures on women's sexual responses to erotic stimuli12
Psychoneuroimmunology in the time of COVID-19: Why neuro-immune interactions matter for mental and physical health12
The effects of positive interpretation bias on cognitive reappraisal and social performance: Implications for social anxiety disorder12
How well do Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Behavioural Activation for depression repair anhedonia? A secondary analysis of the COBRA randomized controlled trial12
Intolerance of uncertainty and threat reversal: A conceptual replication of Morriss et al. (2019)12
Emotion regulation training as a treatment element for externalizing problems in adolescence: A randomized controlled micro-trial12
Individual differences in costly fearful avoidance and the relation to psychophysiology12
Self-guided online treatment of disturbed grief, posttraumatic stress, and depression in adults bereaved during the COVID-19 pandemic: A randomized controlled trial11
A test of the interpersonal theory of suicide in a large, representative, retrospective and prospective study: Results from the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS)11
High avoidance despite low fear of a second-order conditional stimulus11
A randomized controlled trial of two 10-session cognitive behaviour therapies for eating disorders: An exploratory investigation of which approach works best for whom11
Augmenting exposure therapy with pre-extinction fear memory reactivation and deepened extinction: A randomized controlled trial11
Negative reinforcement rate and persistent avoidance following response-prevention extinction11
Optimizing exposure: Between-session mental rehearsal as an augmentation strategy11
Factors that predict persistence versus non-persistence of eating disorder Symptoms: A prospective study of high-risk young women11
Targeting hostile attributions in inclusive schools through online cognitive bias modification: A randomised experiment11
Drawing the borderline: Predicting treatment outcomes in patients with borderline personality disorder11
Predicting response to Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD: A machine-learning approach11
Neural mechanisms underlying heterogeneous expression of threat-related attention in social anxiety11
Exploring transdiagnostic processes for chronic pain and opioid misuse among two studies of adults with chronic pain11
Randomized clinical trial of a brief, scalable intervention for mental health sequelae in college students during the COVID-19 pandemic11
Social safety learning: Shared safety abolishes the recovery of learned threat11
Avoidance of learnt fear: Models, potential mechanisms, and future directions11
Emotional response inhibition to self-harm stimuli interacts with momentary negative affect to predict nonsuicidal self-injury urges10
Cognitive mechanisms of episodic simulation in psychiatric populations10
Identifying active ingredients in cognitive-behavioral therapies: What if we didn't?10
Fear learning, avoidance, and generalization are more context-dependent for adults than adolescents10
The temporal sequence of change in PTSD symptoms and hypothesized mediators in Cognitive Processing Therapy and Written Exposure Therapy for PTSD10
Behavioral avoidance moderates the effect of exposure therapy for irritable bowel syndrome: A secondary analysis of results from a randomized component trial10
Seeking proxies for internal states (SPIS): Towards a novel model of obsessive-compulsive disorder10
Implementing biofeedback as a proactive coping strategy: Psychological and physiological effects on anticipatory stress10
Determining the median effective dose of prolonged exposure therapy for veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder10
Attention and affect in dysphoria: Insights from startle reflex modulation and cardiac deceleration10
Anxiety disorders in children and adolescents: A summary and overview of the literature10
Emotion regulation in response to daily negative and positive events in youth: The role of event intensity and psychopathology10
Social threat sensitivity and its relationships with peer victimisation and internalising symptoms among adolescent girls10
Changes in functional connectivity with cognitive behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder predict outcomes at follow-up10
Evolutionary theory and the treatment of depression: It is all about the squids and the sea bass10