American Journal of Psychology

(The TQCC of American Journal of Psychology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01.)
Less Constrained Practice Tests Enhance the Testing Effect for Item Memory but Not Context Memory10
Impact of Physical Activity on an Individual’s Creativity: A Day-Level Analysis10
Young Adults’ Economic Well-Being and Mental Health: The Mediation Model of Self-Esteem9
The Special Brain: Subclinical Grandiose Narcissism and Self-Face Recognition in the Right Prefrontal Cortex8
Unsung Psychology Pioneers: A Content Analysis of Who Makes History (and Who Doesn’t)8
Between-Group Mean Differences in Intelligence in the United States Are >0% Genetically Caused: Five Converging Lines of Evidence7
Pupil Dilation as an Index of Verbal Fluency7
Rethinking Multiculturalism: Toward a Balanced Approach7
Attributing Social Meaning to Animated Shapes: A New Experimental Study of Apparent Behavior6
The Roles of Different Appraisals in Anxiety and Emotional Exhaustion: A Case of NCAA Division I Head Coaches5
Impact of Cold Water Intake on Environmental Perceptions, Affect, and Attention Depends on Climate Condition5
The Holocaust as a Lifelong Nightmare: Posttraumatic Symptoms and Dream Content in Polish Auschwitz Survivors 30 Years After World War II5
Perceiving the Other Self: An Experimental First-Person Account of Nonverbal Social Interaction4
How Relatedness Need Satisfaction or Frustration and Motivation Relate to Well-Being on Social Networking Sites4
Neurocognitive Mechanism of Remote and Close Associations: An fMRI Study4
Examination of a Response–Effect Compatibility Task With Continuous Mouse Movements: Free- Versus Forced-Choice Tasks and Sequential Modulations4
The End of Overconfidence4
How Processing Fluency Contributes to the Old/New Effects of Familiarity and Recollection: Evidence From the Remember/Know Paradigm4
Different Developmental Stages and Developmental Ages of Humans in History: Culture and Socialization, Open and Closed Developmental Windows, and Advanced and Arrested Development3
Positive—Negative Asymmetry in Evaluation of Natural Stimuli: Empirical Study in the Contrast Model of Similarity Extended to Open Sets3
Daily Implications of Felt Love for Sleep Quality3
Psychology and AI at a Crossroads: How Might Complex Systems Explain Themselves?3
Investigating Stereotypes Among Minority Group Members in Israel: The Role of Ingroup and Outgroup Symbols3
Extending Language Motivation Research and Pushing it Forward3
The Trait of Perseverance: A Literature Review and Future Research Directions3
Differential Involvement of Working Memory Capacity and Fluid Intelligence in Verbal Associative Learning as a Possible Function of Strategy Use2
Effects of Differing Exercise Intensities on the Response Time of Gymnasts and Nongymnasts in a Mental Body Rotation Task2
The Importance of Informative Interventions in a Wicked Environment2
Divided Attention in Schizophrenia: A Dual Task Paradigm2
The Phantom of the Omniscient Leader2
Do Recall and Recognition Lead to Different Retrieval Experiences?2
Second-Language Influence on First-Language Animacy Constraints and Word Order in Korean–English Bilinguals2
Contextual Framework of the Generation Effect2
The Marvelous Gadget2
The Field of Psychology Never Maxed out on the Ideas of Max Wertheimer: A New Look at Productive Thinking2
The Visual Working Memory Demands of Processing Conventional Metaphoric Language2
Horror Videogame Sound Effects, Cardiovascular Arousal, and Ethnic Bias in the Decision to Shoot2
Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining: The Positive Effect of Fearful Attachment State on Creative Idea Generation2
Re-Enchanting the World2
Rationality Now!2
Unhappiness Studies1
Value of the Relationship and Motivation to Forgive Based on Future Anxiety1
Twilight of Rationality1
Avatars and Alternate Identities: Social Media Usage and Its Relation to Identity and Peer Attachment1
Florene Mary Young and Margaret May Zeigler: The First Women in Professorial Ranks, Department of Psychology, University of Georgia1
Nietzsche's Last Will1
Contribution of Retinal Motion to the Impulse Control of Target-Directed Aiming1
A Blueprint for Genetic Determinism1
The Integrated Information Theory: Important Insights But not a Complete Theory of Consciousness1
Comparing Inverted Faces to Upright Faces Using Similarity or Mental Rotation1
Spread of Negative Affect via Social Media: The Affective Consequences of Viewing Others’ Fortunate and Unfortunate Social Media Posts1
Inborn Ideas1
My Life as a Book Reviewer1
Crossing the Rubicon from the Social to the Biological Sciences1
Perception Over Personality in Lethal Force: Aggression, Impulsivity, and Big Five Traits in Threat Assessments and Behavioral Responses due to Weapon Presence and Posture1
Individual Response–Effect Congruencies Modulate Subsequent Stimulus–Response Compatibility Effects1
Efficacy of Guided Versus Self-Induced Learning of Web-Based Self-Compassionate Journaling by College Students1
Tribute to E. J. Capaldi: Celebration of a Psychological Scientist1
Positive or Negative: Differences in Self–Other Representations Among Chinese Social Networking Users1
You Are Right, You Are Wrong: The Effect of Feedback on Intuitive Thinking1
Understandings of Syllogisms in Ontogeny and History: The Contributions of J. Piaget, A. R. Luria, M. Cole, and S. Scribner in Comparison1
Dissociation in Age-Related Developmental Trajectories Between Phonetic Fluency and Semantic Fluency Tests: Analysis of Longitudinal Data From the Yakumo Study1
C. S. Peirce’s Forgotten but Enduring Relevance to Psychological Science1
My Words Fly Up, My Thoughts Remain Below. Words without Thoughts Never to Heaven Go.1
How We Tell Apart Fiction from Reality1
The Characteristics and Benefits of Disclosing Personal Experiences in Prison: A Study of the Writing Paradigm1
Influence of Face Mask and Tropical Climate on Subjective States: Affect, Motivation, and Selective Attention1
Cold Suggestion to Cope with the Negative Impact of Tropical Climate1
Untangling Decision Routes in Moral Dilemmas: The Refugee Dilemma1